Key "Security" : Bad weather visits


In case of bad weather,

for your tranquility,

we offer to inspect your property

with an email report (related  pictures)

or by phone, in case of damage.


The visit comes within 24 hours following your request
(in the case of heavy bad weather, we will notify you and systematically offer he visit).




A service quote based on your property and its location

From 60 € one visit

Be serene all year round, find your house ready to welcome you !




If you want to go back to the proposed keys


Cliquez sur l'image pour connaitre les avis clients !

La Clé Flayoscaise

1465 Chemins des Peylons



Siren : 501 885 412 

Mandataire du Réseau :

Réseau d’agents mandataires

indépendants en immobilier

Entreprise Individuelle

RSAC : 501 885 412

Carte Professionnelle du réseau

n° CPI 3402 2016 000 014 347


RCP n° ACI 02577