La Clé Flayoscaise proposes a solution

Stewardship of your second home
Stewardship of your second home


You are an owner of a holiday home
and you would like to have
 a competent person on site in Flayosc
  who is always available

and completely reliable,

who will watch over your property
during your absence,
and immediatly would intervene
if you ask for it ?


Jean-François LEFEBVRE and Patricia PAYOUX

Be serene all year round, find your house ready to welcome you !

Click on the key of your choice !

Or also, "à la carte" Services


Cliquez sur l'image pour connaitre les avis clients !

La Clé Flayoscaise

1465 Chemins des Peylons



Siren : 501 885 412 

Mandataire du Réseau :

Réseau d’agents mandataires

indépendants en immobilier

Entreprise Individuelle

RSAC : 501 885 412

Carte Professionnelle du réseau

n° CPI 3402 2016 000 014 347


RCP n° ACI 02577